Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Lord, Help Me to Keep My Vow

We don’t just make promises to people; we make promises and vows to God. What God is looking for are people who will be honest and think before they speak because there is something called accountability.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Can That Wait?

We serve a God that care about us and we should have much love for him. We should have love for the things of God. We should be interested in fellowship, communion, feasting in the Word, and having a relationship with God. Sometimes we get in a hurry trying to get things done. This is when we should ask ourselves, "Can that wait?"

Hang on in There

We serve a God that is able to sustain us despite of the hardships and trials. He will comfort, aid, strengthen, and encourage us. Just because we are Christians does not mean we won’t face obstacles, disappointments, and setbacks. Not everybody will love us. If Jesus suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise. So, hang on in there.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Enough is Enough

During this new year, we need to access the power God gave us to pull down strongholds by learning to forgive others, asking others to forgive us and  trusting in God's will.